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Anna Oates



M.S. Library and Information Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

B.A. English Literature
Western Carolina University

Contact Info


Research Division
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
P.O. Box 442
St. Louis, MO 63166-0442

For media inquiries contact:
Shera Dalin
Phone: (314) 444-3911

Anna Oates

Scholarly Communication and Discovery Services Librarian

Anna Oates is responsible for ensuring discovery of the Federal Reserve System’s scholarly publications through leading the management of Fed in Print. In addition to publication dissemination, she supports the Research Division’s library services in content discovery, collection management, research tracking, and working paper publication. She pursues her dedication to teaching and instruction through the Carpentries, an organization dedicated to empowering researchers and professionals in software development and data management.

Selected Presentations and Publications

Ferguson, T., Holdener, J., Murabayashi, M. & Oates, A. Macro Migration: Implementing a Cloud-Based Metadata Microservice with Fedora. Poster presented at Code4Lib 2020, Pittsburg, PA.

Oates, A. & Schlaack, W. (2019, September). The Case For A Standard That’s Old News: Recommendation of PDF/A for Digitized Newspaper Preservation. Paper presented at iPRES 2019, the 16th International Conference on Digital Preservation Conference, Amsterdam, NL.

Oates, A. & Schlaack, W. (2019, August). Finding Old Images through a New Lens: Use of Computer Vision for Searching Historic Newspaper Collections. Paper presented at the 85th World Library and Information Congress of IFLA, Athens, Greece.

Oates, A. & Hill, C. (2019, May). Working Papers, A Work in Progress: Integrating Libraries with Publication and Preprint Services. Presented at the Library Publishing Forum, Vancouver, BC, CA.

Oates, A. & Schlaack, W. (2018, April). Digital Migrations: A Case Study of Turn-of-the-Century Chicago-Immigrant Newspapers. Paper presented at the IFLA International News Media Conference, Gainesville, FL.

Oates, A., Downie, J.S., Halvarsson, E. & Popham, M. (2018, March). Navigating the PDF/A Standard: A Case Study of Theses in Oxford’s Institutional Repository. Poster presented at iConference 2018, Sheffield, UK.

Oates, A., Rimkus, K., Schlaack, W. & Sroka, M. (2017, October). Preservation and Access of Historic Illinois Newspapers. Panel presented at the Conference on Illinois History, Springfield, IL.

Professional Memberships, Awards, Service

Instructor and Lesson Maintainer, The Carpentries, 2019-present

Member, FORCE11 Scholarly Communication Institute Planning Committee, 2019-present

Member, FSCI Online Hub Committee, 2020

Most Distinguished Student Work in Digital Preservation, Digital Preservation Coalition, 2018

Jane B. and Robert B. Downs Professional Promise Award, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2018