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Homer Jones Memorial Lecture Series

The Homer Jones Memorial Lecture honors a man who exemplified the highest qualities of leadership in economics and public policy. As research director and later senior vice president at the St. Louis Fed, Homer Jones (1906-1986) played a major role in developing the Bank as a leader in monetary research and statistics.

Previous Speakers

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Jan 1, 2021 Homer Jones Memorial Lecture Cancelled
May 18, 2017 Homer Jones Memorial Lecture Cancelled
Jan 1, 2008 Homer Jones Memorial Lecture Cancelled
Jan 1, 2007 Homer Jones Memorial Lecture Cancelled
Apr 26, 2004 Homer Jones Memorial Lecture – Jeremy J. Siegel
2003 Homer Jones Memorial Lecture – Douglass C. North
2002 Homer Jones Memorial Lecture – Michael Mussa
1997 Homer Jones Memorial Lecture – Rudi Dornbusch
Jan 1, 1996 Homer Jones Memorial Lecture Cancelled