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Tracking the Global Recession, Articles on Global Topics

"The Global Recession"
" unusually high percentage of the world's large countries and major U.S. trading partners are currently experiencing a recession."
by Craig P. Aubuchon, Senior Research Associate, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, and David C. Wheelock, Assistant Vice President and Banking and Financial Markets Advisor, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic Synopses, 2009, No. 22.

"Recent Movements in the Baltic Dry Index"
"The Baltic Dry Index has generated interest as a leading indicator of economic activity."
by Rajdeep Sengupta, Economist, and Yu Man Tam, Senior Research Associate, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic Synopses, 2009, No. 12.

"From Recession to Recovery: How Soon and How Strong?"
This Chapter examines recessions and recovers in advanced economies and the role of countercylical macroeconomic policies.
International Monetary Fund World Economic Outlook, April 2009, Chapter 3.

"World Economic Situation and Prospects 2009"
"In the Baseline scenario of the [UN] Forecast, world gross product is expected to slow to a [meager] 1.0 [percent] in 2009…"
United Nations, December 2008.