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April 1981

Posted 1981-04-01

How Controllable is Money Growth

by Anatol Balbach

It is becoming increasingly popular to assert that money growth cannot be controlled and, therefore, that monetary policy should stop targeting monetary growth and try to control other variables that may affect economic activity and the rate of inflation. 

Posted 1981-04-01

A Bushel of Wheat for a Barrel of Oil: Can We Offset OPEC's Gain With a Grain Cartel

by Clifton B. Luttrell

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) actions in raising oil prices and restricting production have given rise to numerous proposals designed to offset the higher petroleum costs. One widely discussed proposal has been for the United States to organize a grain cartel that would significantly raise grain prices to the OPEC nations. 

Posted 1981-04-01

Foreign Exchange Markets: The Dollar in 1980

by Dallas S. Batten

This article describes and analyzes what occurred in foreign exchange markets in the past year, with special emphasis on changes in the value of the U.S. dollar.