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B. Ravikumar

Senior Vice President and Deputy Director of Research


Ph.D. Economics
The University of Iowa

M.S. Economics
Carnegie Mellon University

M.S. Industrial Engineering
National Institute for Training in Industrial Engineering

B.E. Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Science, India

B.S. Physics
University of Bombay, India

Contact Info

Phone: (314) 444-7312
Fax: (314) 444-8731

Research Division
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
P.O. Box 442
St. Louis, MO 63166-0442

For media inquiries, contact:
Shera Dalin
Phone: (314) 444-3911

B. Ravikumar

Senior Vice President and Deputy Director of Research

Recent Publication in the Journal of International Economics: Capital Accumulation and Dynamic Gains from Trade

Other Publications

"World Population: What Helps Explain the Explosion?"
with  Iris Arbogast
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Regional Economist, 09/15/2022

"Enduring Relationships in an Economy with Capital and Private Information"
with  Aubhik Khan
2012 Meeting Papers Society for Economic Dynamics, January 2012.

"The Political Economy of Education Funding"
with  Gerhard Glomm and  Ioana Schiopu
in Eric Hanushek, Stephen Machin and Ludger Woessmann, ed., Handbook of the Economics of Education
North Holland, 2011, Vol. 4

"Entrepreneurship, Organization Capital and the Evolution of the Firm"
with  Atsushi Oshima and  Raymond Riezman
in T. Kamihiga & L. Zhao, ed., International Trade and Economic Dynamics, Essays in Memory of Koji Shimomura
, 2009

"From Cronies to Professionals: The Evolution of Family Firms"
with  Uptal Bhattacharya
in Capital Formation, Governance and Banking
Nova Science Publishers, 2005

"On education finance: The case of Poland"
with  Peter Bearse and  Gerhard Glomm
in R. Kulikowski, Z. Nahorski, ed., Economic Transformation & Integration. Problems, arguments, proposals
, 1998

"Public versus Private Investment in Human Capital: Endogenous Growth and Income Inequality"
with  Gerhard Glomm
in Grossman, Gene M, ed., Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence
Elgar Reference Collection, 1996, Vol. 2, pp. 393-409

"Participation Dynamics: Sunspots and Cycles"
NBER, September 1990.