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Julian Kozlowski

Economic Policy Advisor


Ph.D. Economics
New York University

M.A. Economics
Di Tella University

B.A. Economics
Di Tella university

Contact Info

Fax: (314) 444-8731

Research Division
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
P.O. Box 442
St. Louis, MO 63166-0442

For media inquiries, contact:
Shera Dalin
Phone: (314) 444-3911

Julian Kozlowski

Economic Policy Advisor

Forthcoming Publications

"Domestic Policies and Sovereign Default"
with  Emilio Espino, Fernando M. Martin, and Juan M. Sánchez
American Economic Journal-Macroeconomics

Journal Publications

"Long-Term Finance and Investment with Frictional Asset Markets"
American Economic Journal-Macroeconomics, October 2021, Vol. 13, No. 11, pp. 441-48
Working Paper

"Macroeconomic Implications of Uniform Pricing"
with  Diego Daruich
American Economic Journal-Macroeconomics, July 2023, Vol. 15, No. 3, 3, pp. 64-108
Working Paper

"The Tail that Wags the Economy: Beliefs and Persistent Stagnation"
with  Laura Veldkamp and  Venky Venkateswaran
Journal of Political Economy, August 2020, Vol. 8, No. 128, pp. 2839-2879
Working Paper

"Explaining Intergenerational Mobility: The Role of Fertility and Family Transfers"
with  Diego Daruich
Review of Economic Dynamics, April 2020, Vol. 36, pp. 220-245
Working Paper

"Investment and Bilateral Insurance"
with  Emilio Espino and Juan M. Sánchez
Journal of Economic Theory, July 2018, Vol. 176, pp. 311-341
Working Paper

"The Tail that Keeps the Riskless Rate Low"
with  Laura Veldkamp and  Venky Venkateswaran
NBER Macroeconomics Annual, 2018, Vol. 33