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Aakash Kalyani

Economist (August 2023)


PhD Economics
Boston University

Masters Economics
University of Delhi

Bachelor of Engineering Electronics and Communications
University of Delhi

Contact Info

Fax: (314) 444-8731

Research Division
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
P.O. Box 442
St. Louis, MO 63166-0442

For media inquiries, contact:
Shera Dalin
Phone: (314) 444-3911

Aakash Kalyani

Economist (August 2023)

Other Publications

"Diffusion of Disruptive Technologies"
with  Nicholas Bloom,  Tarek Hassan,  Josh Lerner, and  Ahmed Tahoun
non-FRB working paper, June 2023.

"The Creativity Decline: Evidence from US Patenting"
Job Market Paper, June 2023.

"The Geography of New Technologies"
with  Nicholas Bloom,  Tarek Hassan,  Josh Lerner, and  Ahmed Tahoun
Institute for New Economic Thinking Working Papers, June 2020.