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10th Annual
The Missouri Economic Conference
March 26 - 27, 2010, at the University of Missouri—Columbia.
Hosted by:
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economics Dept. University of Missouri-Columbia
Research Division
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Economics Department
University of Missouri—Columbia
Call of papers

Call for Papers

We are now accepting submissions of papers in all fields of economics to be presented at the conference. Completed manuscripts will be given priority, but abstracts will also be considered.

Graduate students are invited to submit papers. This year we are introducing a more explicit mentoring program. In order to facilitate this program, we will accept graduate student submissions until December 15, 2009.

To be considered for presentation at the conference, research papers or abstracts should be sent via email to: haslagj@missouri.edu.

The deadline for submissions is February 20, 2010. Please be sure to attach a PDF of your paper and include an abstract and JEL codes with all submissions. Acceptance notices will be sent March 7, 2010. Additional information regarding the 2010 and previous conferences can be found at the conference website.

Plan to attend the conference? Please use our online registration.

We are looking forward to a great conference and hope to see you in Columbia.