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Results 31 - 60 of 442 for PRIME

Moody's Seasoned Aaa Corporate Bond Yield

View the average monthly yields of prime, investment-grade bonds with maturities over 20 years, which can indicate interest rates.

The FOMC in 1990: Onset of Recession - Review

James B. Bullard presents this Review's annual synopsis of the recent actions of the Federal Open Market Committee, the prime policymaking group in the Federal Reserve System.

What Is Subprime Lending? - Economic Synopses

A precise characterization of subprime lending is elusive. Unlike prime mortgages, subprime mortgages are not homogenous. One suggestion to better identify subprime mortgages is to classify mortgages by the loan-to-value ratio and the borrower's credit score.

The Interplay Between Preemptive and Defensive Counterterrorism Measures: A Two-Stage Game - Working Paper 2008-034

A two-stage game depiction of counterterrorism is presented, where the emphasis is on the interaction between the preemptive and defensive measures taken by two targeted countries facing a common threat. The preemptor is likely to be the high-cost defender with the greater foreign interests. A prime-target country may also assume the preemptor role. The analysis identifies key factors – cost comparisons, foreign interests, targeting risks, and domestic terrorism losses – that determine counterterrorism allocations. The study shows that the market failures associated with preemptive and defensive countermeasures may be jointly ameliorated by a disadvantaged defender. Nevertheless, the subgame perfect equilibrium will still be suboptimal owing to a preemption choice that does not fully internalize the externalities.

Do Bank Loan Rates Exhibit a Countercyclical Mark-up? - Working Paper 1997-004

Based on a switching-cost model, we examine empirically the hypotheses that bank loan mark-ups are countercycical and asymmetric in their responsiveness to recessionaly and expansionary impulses. The first econometric model treats changes in the mark-up as a continuous variable. The second treats them as an ordered categorical variable due to the discrete nature of prime rate changes. By allowing the variance to switch over time as a Markov process, we present the first conditionally heteroscedastic discrete choice (ordered probit) model for time-series applications. This feature yields a remarkable improvement in the likelihood function. Specifications that do not account for conditional heteroscedasticity find evidence of both countercyclical and asymmetric mark-up behavior. Incontrast, the heteroscedastic ordered probit finds the mark-up to be countercycical but not significantly asymmetric. We explain why controlling for conditional heteroscedasticity may be important when testing for downward stickiness in loan rates.

Differences in Subprime Loan Pricing Across Races and Neighborhoods - Working Paper 2011-033

We investigate whether race and ethnicity influenced subprime loan pricing during2005, the peak of the subprime mortgage expansion. We combine loan-level data on theperformance of non-prime securitized mortgages with individual- and neighborhood-level data on racial and ethnic characteristics for metropolitan areas in California andFlorida. Using a model of rate determination that accounts for predicted loan performance, we evaluate the differences in subprime mortgage rates in terms of racial andethnic groups and neighborhood characteristics. We find evidence of adverse pricingfor blacks and Hispanics. The evidence of adverse pricing is strongest for purchasemortgages and mortgages originated by non-depository institutions.

The Adminstration of Regulation Q - Review

At a time when market interest rates have soared to levels never before reached in this country, rates on deposits at banks and other financial institutions have been held much lower. The rate commercial banks charge on prime business loans has been 8 1/2 per cent since early last June. Mortgage and many other market interest rates are currently about as high. On the other hand, payment of interest is prohibited on demand deposits, and the maximum rates permitted on time and savings deposits vary between 4.50 and 7.50 per cent. The highest rate applies only to deposits in denominations of $100,000 or more maturing in a year or longer.

A Monetary Model of Nominal Income Determination - Review

During the past several years the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis has presented a number of empirical studies demonstrating a strong and predictable response of nominal gross national product (GNP) to changes in the nation’s money stock. These studies found that changes in the secular trend of the money stock are the prime determinant of changes in the secular trend of GNP. They also found that short-run changes in GNP are related to similar changes in the money stock. On the other hand, changes in Government spending were found to have only a temporary short-run influence on changes in GNP. A number of other studies, using variations of the approach of the St. Louis studies, have yielded similar empirical relationships.

Did Affordable Housing Legislation Contribute to the Subprime Securities Boom? - Working Paper 2012-005

We use a regression discontinuity approach and present new institutional evidence to investigate whether affordable housing policies influenced the market for securitized subprime mortgages. We use merged loan-level data on non-prime mortgages with individual- and neighborhood-level data for California and Florida. We find no evidence that lenders increased subprime originations or altered loan pricing around the discrete eligibility cutoffs for the Government-Sponsored Enterprises'''' (GSEs) affordable housing goals or the Community Reinvestment Act. Although we find evidence that the GSEs bought significant quantities of subprime securities, our results indicate that these purchases were not directly related to affordable housing mandates.

Monetary Policy and Capital Formation - Review

The year 1776 gave birth not only to a great nation but also to a great book which shaped our science. In his Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith made growth in income the central explanandum of his inquiry and identified capital formation as the prime mover of growth in income. It is most fitting, therefore, that the subject matter of this conference in this bicentennial year of the Wealth of Nations is capital formation.


2005 10 items

1972 8 items

2008 8 items

1970 7 items

1974 7 items

1981 7 items

2009 7 items

2010 7 items

2014 6 items

2021 6 items

1967 5 items

1969 5 items

1971 5 items

1973 5 items

1977 5 items

1980 5 items

1994 5 items

2007 5 items

2011 5 items

2022 5 items

1978 4 items

1979 4 items

2001 4 items

2002 4 items

2003 4 items

2015 4 items

2016 4 items

2020 4 items

1975 3 items

1976 3 items

1986 3 items

1995 3 items

2006 3 items

2012 3 items

2019 3 items

1968 2 items

1982 2 items

1983 2 items

1987 2 items

1991 2 items

1992 2 items

1998 2 items

1999 2 items

2000 2 items

2013 2 items

2018 2 items

2024 2 items

1984 1 items

1985 1 items

1990 1 items

1993 1 items

1997 1 items

2004 1 items

2017 1 items

2023 1 items


Review 183 items

Economic Synopses 20 items

Page One Economics® 5 items


Norman N. Bowsher 10 items

Christopher J. Neely 8 items

Rajdeep Sengupta 7 items

Roger W. Spencer 7 items

Albert E. Burger 6 items

David C. Wheelock 6 items

R. Alton Gilbert 6 items

William R. Emmons 6 items

William Poole 5 items

Daniel L. Thornton 4 items

David Andolfatto 4 items

James Bullard 4 items

Richard G. Anderson 4 items

Anthony Pennington-Cross 3 items

Darryl R. Francis 3 items

Edward Nelson 3 items

Frank A. Schmid 3 items

Keith M. Carlson 3 items

Leonall C. Andersen 3 items

Michael J. Dueker 3 items

Michael T. Owyang 3 items

R. W. Hafer 3 items

Riccardo DiCecio 3 items

Yongseok Shin 3 items

Ana Maria Santacreu 2 items

Bill Dupor 2 items

Bryan J. Noeth 2 items

Charles S. Gascon 2 items

Charlotte E. Ruebling 2 items

Christopher H. Wheeler 2 items

Clemens J.M. Kool 2 items

Clifton B. Luttrell 2 items

Courtenay C. Stone 2 items

Craig P. Aubuchon 2 items

David Laidler 2 items

Denis S. Karnosky 2 items

Fernando M. Martin 2 items

John A. Tatom 2 items

Kevin L. Kliesen 2 items

Laurence H. Meyer 2 items

Li Li 2 items

Michael E. Trebing 2 items

Miguel Faria e Castro 2 items

Murray L. Weidenbaum 2 items

Natalia A. Kolesnikova 2 items

Neil A. Stevens 2 items

Patricia S. Pollard 2 items

Richard W. Lang 2 items

Robert H. Rasche 2 items

Rubén Hernández-Murillo 2 items

Scott A. Wolla 2 items

Abbigail Chiodo 1 items

Alan S. Frankel 1 items

Alexander K. Karaivanov 1 items

Alistair Milne 1 items

Allan H. Meltzer 1 items

Anatol Balbach 1 items

Anatoliy Belaygorod 1 items

Andrea J. Caceres-Santamaria 1 items

Andreas M. Fischer 1 items

Andrew Metrick 1 items

Andrew Spewak 1 items

Andrew T. Levin 1 items

Andrew W. Mullineux 1 items

Anna J. Schwartz 1 items

Anthony Webb 1 items

Athanasios Orphanides 1 items

Barry Jones 1 items

Bennett T. McCallum 1 items

Brian Reid 1 items

C.Y. Kelvin Yuen 1 items

Carlos Garriga 1 items

Carolyn Backus 1 items

Catalina Granda 1 items

Charles A. E. Goodhart 1 items

Charles Freedman 1 items

Charles W. Calomiris 1 items

Christopher Bach 1 items

Christopher Hanes 1 items

Christopher J. Martinek 1 items

Christopher Petrinec 1 items

Cletus C. Coughlin 1 items

Dain Lee 1 items

Dallas S. Batten 1 items

Dan A. Black 1 items

Daniel S. Hamermesh 1 items

David A. Lopez 1 items

David H. Small 1 items

Dennis W. Carlton 1 items

Diether H. Hoffman 1 items

Don Schlagenhauf 1 items

Donald S. Allen 1 items

Emin M. Dinlersoz 1 items

Fabio M. Natalucci 1 items

Franz Hamann 1 items

Frederick H. Schultz 1 items

G.J. Santoni 1 items

Gaetano Antinolfi 1 items

Gary Gorton 1 items

Geoff Edwards 1 items

Geoffrey E. Wood 1 items

Giang Ho 1 items

Hannah G. Shell 1 items

Hannah Rubinton 1 items

Hans H. Helbling 1 items

IlSung Nam 1 items

J. Alfred Broaddus, Jr. 1 items

Jacob A. Frenkel 1 items

Jacob Haas 1 items

Jai-Hoon Yang 1 items

James D. Hamilton 1 items

Jean M. Lovati 1 items

Jeffrey M. Perloff 1 items

Jeffrey P. Cohen 1 items

Jeremy M. Piger 1 items

Jerry Hausman 1 items

Jerry L. Jordan 1 items

Jinhyeok Park 1 items

Juan M. Sánchez 1 items

K. Alec Chrystal 1 items

Kaitlyn Frerking 1 items

Karl Brunner 1 items

Kieran Larkin 1 items

Kristie M. Engemann 1 items

Larry Neal 1 items

Lawrence H. Summers 1 items

Leora Friedberg 1 items

Lowell J. Taylor 1 items

Lowell R. Ricketts 1 items

M. Saif Mehkari 1 items

Mark A. Carlson 1 items

Mark D. Flood 1 items

Mathias Zurlinden 1 items

Matthew S. Chambers 1 items

Maximiliano A. Dvorkin 1 items

Michael D. Bordo 1 items

Michael J. Boskin 1 items

Michael O. Rigg 1 items

Michael T. Belongia 1 items

Michael W. Keran 1 items

Michael W. McCracken 1 items

Nathan Jefferson 1 items

Pascal Paul 1 items

Paul Mizen 1 items

Paul W. Wilson 1 items

Paul Wilson 1 items

Philip H. Dybvig 1 items

Pierangelo De Pace 1 items

Ping Wang 1 items

Robert Eisner 1 items

Roger E. Brinner 1 items

Roger W. Ferguson Jr. 1 items

Ronald L. Teigen 1 items

Russell Barnett 1 items

Samuel Jordan-Wood 1 items

Sang Yoon Lee 1 items

Sangmin Aum 1 items

Scott E. Hein 1 items

Sean P. Grover 1 items

Sharon Kozicki 1 items

Silvio Contessi 1 items

Souphala Chomsisengphet 1 items

Sriya Anbil 1 items

Steven H. Russell 1 items

Subhayu Bandyopadhyay 1 items

Suryadipta Roy 1 items

Susan R. Roesch 1 items

Susan Schmidt Bies 1 items

Todd Keister 1 items

Travis Nesmith 1 items

Vincent W. Yao 1 items

Václav Klaus 1 items

Wan-Jung Cheng 1 items

Wei Sun 1 items

William Elliot 1 items

William P. Yohe 1 items

Yang Liu 1 items

Yu Man Tam 1 items

Yuliya Demyanyk 1 items


publications 208 items

Working Papers 204 items

FRED 17 items

research 13 items