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Results 1 - 10 of 10 for PRIME [Author: Norman N. Bowsher]

Rise and Fall of Interest Rates - Review

Market interest rates have moved over a wide range since mid-1979. In the last half of 1979 and in the first three months of 1980, interest rates rose to unprecedented levels. Rates on highest grade corporate bonds, for example, increased from 9.3 percent in June 1979 to 13 percent in March 1980.

1972—A Year of Rapid Economic Expansion - Review

The year 1972 can be considered an economic success from a number of viewpoints: Spending on goods and services rose markedly, which encouraged production to increase at a faster pace than productive capacity and employment to rise about double the growth rate of population of working force age. Total wages and salaries, after adjustment for price increases, went up faster than in any year in the past two decades—even more than in 1965 when they were bolstered by a sharp rise in military outlays. Real corporate profits, which declined during the inflationary period of 1965-71, also increased rapidly in 1972.

1970—Economy in Transition - Review

Inflation gradually intensified in this country from late 1964 to early 1970, and expectations of future inflation were progressively revised upward. The interruptions to output and the inequities caused by redistributions of wealth and income resulting from the inflation and inflationary expectations became a serious domestic economic problem.

Usury Laws: Harmful When Effective - Review

Despite the credit market distortions caused by ceilings on interest rates, usury laws have been retained in most jurisdictions. This article provides insight on the value of such restrictions by reviewing the history and justification of such laws, the role of interest rates, and the effects of interest rate restrictions.

1969—Battle Against Inflation - Review

Nineteen sixty-nine has been the fifth year of intensifying inflation. Overall prices, after remaining fairly stable in the early Sixties, rose 1.7 per cent during 1965, 3.5 per cent a year in 1966 and 1967, 4.0 per cent during 1968, and an estimated 5 per cent in 1969. Not since World War II has the American economy experienced such a sustained price upsurge.

Anti-Inflation Process Continues - Review

The rate of inflation has accelerated since 1965, until in the past year overall prices have risen more than 5 per cent, Progress in reducing inflation has been very siow, both because the inflation was permitted to develop momentum from 1964 through 1968, and because a gradual approach has been applied in correcting it in 1969 and 1970.

The Early 1960s: A Guide to the Late 1970s - Review

Lessons can be learned from a study of the past. Future mistakes can be avoided, using the information gained through analysis of the policy actions that were taken and evaluating the resulting economic performance. Similarly, for these periods when economic performance was successful, an analysis of the contributing forces provides some positive guidance to policymakers. From an economic growth and stabilization viewpoint, the four-year period from 1961 to 1965 was one of the most successful in our history.

1973—A Year on Inflation - Review

The U.S. economy suffered a major setback against inflation during 1973: Average prices, as measured by the GNP price deflator, rose at a 6.8% annual rate over the first three quarters of the year. From 1965 to 1972 prices rose at an average 4% rate. Fiscal developments became less expansive in 1973, interest rates rose markedly, and the growth rate of the monetary base slowed slightly.

1974—A Year of Inflation, Production Cutbacks, and Oil-Induced Payments Deficits - Review

Economic developments in any year are heavily influenced by actions taken in previous years. And the year 1974 was like a hangover, with current performance below potential as a result of previous excesses.

Economic Pause, Acceleration, and Excesses—1967 in Retrospect - Review

Nineteen sixty-seven was the seventh consecutive year of economic expansion. Real product rose about 3 per cent from the end of 1966 to the end of 1967, compared with 4 per cent in the previous year. During the recovery and expansion from early 1961 to late 1965, production rose at an average 6 per cent per year. The growth of production, however, was uneven during 1967, giving rise to a more than normal concern over the course of the economy.


1970 2 items

1974 2 items

1967 1 items

1969 1 items

1972 1 items

1973 1 items

1977 1 items

1980 1 items


Review 10 items


Norman N. Bowsher 10 items


publications 10 items