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Results 1 - 5 of 5 for recession [Author: Jeffrey P. Cohen]

Measuring Household Distress and Potential Policy Impacts - Economic Synopses

Government policies such as income support and debt relief may help explain low levels of household financial distress, but outcomes are uncertain once assistance ends.

The Boom and Bust of U.S. Housing Prices from Various Geographic Perspectives - Review

This article summarizes changes in housing prices during the recent U.S. boom and bust from various geographic perspectives. Nationally, the Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shiller house price index more than doubled in nominal terms during the boom and has fallen by roughly a third subsequently.

Sales of Distressed Residential Property: What Have We Learned from Recent Research? - Review

During the housing bust many homeowners found themselves “underwater”—the amount they owed on their mortgages exceeded the value of the associated property—and they either could not or possibly chose not to stay current on their mortgage payments. As a consequence, sales of so-called distressed properties, often after a foreclosure, became commonplace.

Congestion at Airports: The Economics of Airport Expansions - Review

The authors first discuss how airport congestion arises and how it can be dealt with. Because services provided by one airport are related to the services provided by many airports, delays at one airport have adverse effects on the movement of passengers and freight at other airports.

Aviation Security and Terrorism: A Review of the Economic Issues - Review

Following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, the passage of the Aviation and Transportation Act mandated a substantial increase in resources devoted to aviation security. This article summarizes the specific changes stemming from this legislation. In addition, the author examines the economic issues underlying the regulation and provision of aviation security.


2002 1 items

2003 1 items

2012 1 items

2016 1 items

2021 1 items


Review 4 items

Economic Synopses 1 items


publications 5 items