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March/April 2009

Posted 2009-03-02

More Money: Understanding Recent Changes in the Monetary Base

by William T. Gavin

The financial crisis that began in the summer of 2007 took a turn for the worse in September 2008. Until then, Federal Reserve actions taken to improve the functioning financial markets did not affect the monetary base.

Posted 2009-03-02

Foreign Direct Investment, Productivity, and Country Growth: An Overview

by Silvio Contessi and Ariel Weinberger

The authors review the empirical literature that studies the relationship between foreign direct investment, productivity, and growth using aggregate data and focus on two questions: Is there evidence of a positive relationship between foreign direct investment and national growth? And does the output of the “multinational sectors” exhibit higher labor productivity?

Posted 2009-03-02

Quick Exits of Subprime Mortgages

by Yuliya Demyanyk

All holders of mortgage contracts, regardless of type, have three options: keep their payments current, prepay (usually through refinancing), or default on the loan. The latter two options terminate the loan. The termination rates of subprime mortgages that originated each year from 2001 through 2006 are surprisingly similar: about 20, 50, and 80 percent, respectively, at one, two, and three years after origination.

Posted 2009-03-02

Firm Volatility and Credit: A Macroeconomic Analysis

by Leo Kaas

This article examines a tractable real business cycle model with idiosyncratic productivity shocks and binding credit constraints on entrepreneurs. The model shows how firm volatility increases in combination with credit market development.