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May/June 2008, Part 2

Posted 2008-06-01

Inertial Taylor Rules: The Benefit of Signaling Future Policy

by Charles T. Carlstrom and Timothy S. Fuerst

This article traces the consequences of an energy shock on the economy under two different monetary policy rules: (i) a standard Taylor rule, where the Fed responds to inflation and the output gap, and (ii) a Taylor rule with inertia, where the Fed moves slowly to the rate predicted by the standard rule.

Posted 2008-06-01

Core Inflation: A Review of Some Conceptual Issues

by Mark A. Wynne

This article reviews various approaches to the measurement of core inflation that have been proposed over the years using the stochastic approach to index numbers as a unifying framework. It begins with a review of how the concept of core inflation is used by the world’s major central banks, including some of the inflation-targeting central banks. 

Posted 2008-06-01

Inflation Regimes and Inflation Expectations

by Joseph E. Gagnon

This article examines the formation of expectations about future inflation over long horizons. A key issue that agents must confront is the possibility that the economic policy framework—especially the monetary policy regime—could change at some future date.

Posted 2008-06-01

Inflation and the Size of Government

by Song Han and Casey B. Mulligan

It is commonly supposed in public and academic discourse that inflation and big government are related. The authors show that economic theory delivers such a prediction only in special cases.