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September/October 2006

Posted 2006-09-01

What Happens to Banks When House Prices Fall? U.S. Regional Housing Busts of the 1980s and 1990s

by David C. Wheelock

The recent rapid appreciation of house prices in many U.S. markets has prompted concern over the possible effects of a sharp decline in prices, especially for commercial banks and other real estate lenders. 

Posted 2006-09-01

Do Inflation Targeters Outperform Non-targeters?

by Michael J. Dueker and Andreas M. Fischer

Ten years of empirical studies of inflation targeting have not uncovered clear evidence that monetary policy that incorporates formal targets imparts better inflation performance. The authors survey the literature and find that the “no difference” verdict concerning inflation targeting has been robust to a wide range of countries and methods of analysis, starting with a study by Dueker and Fischer (1996a).

Posted 2006-09-01

A Close Look at Model-Dependent Monetary Policy Design

by Miguel Casares

This article first explores the implications of model specification on the design of targeting rules in a world of model certainty. As a general prescription, a targeting rule must counterbalance the private-sector dynamics: The more backward-looking behavior is observed in either the output gap or inflation, the more forward-looking monetary policy should be.