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November/December 2003

Posted 2003-11-01

Fed Transparency: How, Not Whether

by William Poole

This article was originally presented as a speech at the Global Independence Center, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, August 21, 2003.

Posted 2003-11-01

Burgernomics: A Big Macâ„¢ Guide to Purchasing Power Parity

by Michael R. Pakko and Patricia S. Pollard

McEcon? What can two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun tell us about economics? Plenty. Economists Michael Pakko and Patricia Pollard use worldwide Big Mac prices to study the law of one price.

Posted 2003-11-01

Banking Antitrust: Are the Assumptions Still Valid?

by R. Alton Gilbert and Adam M. Zaretsky

Out with the old? Economists Alton Gilbert and Adam Zaretsky find that, even though regulatory changes in the 1990s changed the landscape of banking competition, most of the current evidence confirms that the old assumptions of antitrust analysis are still valid.

Posted 2003-11-01

The Use of Long-Run Restrictions for the Identification of Technology Shocks

by Neville Francis, Michael T. Owyang, and Athena T. Theodorou

Economists have long assumed that shocks (i.e., unexpected changes) to technology affect the business cycle, though they are difficult to identify. Neville Francis, Michael Owyang, and Athena Theodorou review the current methods of identifying them and propose a framework to expand the existing literature.

Posted 2003-11-01

Working Paper Series

A listing of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis working papers published in 2003.

Posted 2003-11-01

Review Index 2003

A listing of Review articles published in 2003.