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November/December 2001

Posted 2001-11-01

Inflation Targets and Inflation Targeting

by Laurence H. Meyer

The Federal Reserve currently has a dual mandate: promote price stability and full employment. In a speech presented at the University of California at San Diego Economic Roundtable, Laurence Meyer explores two policy options that would change the current framework.

Posted 2001-11-01

Equity Financing of the Entrepreneurial Firm

by Frank A. Schmid

Equity financing of the entrepreneurial firm has achieved a rapid increase over the past decade. Venture capital funds, which finance privately held start-ups, raised a record $92.3 billion in 2000. This is a 30-fold increase relative to 1990.

Posted 2001-11-01

Dollarization as a Monetary Arrangement for Emerging Market Economies

by Gaetano Antinolfi and Todd Keister

Official dollarization refers to the adoption of the U.S. dollar as legal tender in place of the national currency. Some Latin American countries have recently dollarized, and others have seriously considered dollarization.

Posted 2001-11-01

Persistence, Excess Volatility, and Volatility Clusters in Inflation

by Michael T. Owyang

This article presents a single, integrated model to explain the persistence and volatility characteristics of the U.S. inflation time series. Policymakers learning about a Markov-switching natural rate of unemployment in a neoclassical Phillips curve model with time-varying preferences produces inflation persistence, volatility clustering, and mean/variance correlation.