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May/June 2001

Posted 2001-05-01

The Practice of Central Bank Intervention: Looking Under the Hood

by Christopher J. Neely

This article first reviews methods of foreign exchange intervention and then presents evidence—focusing on survey results—on the mechanics of such intervention. Types of intervention, instruments, timing, amounts, motivation, secrecy, and perceptions of efficacy are discussed.

Posted 2001-05-01

Forecasting Inflation and Growth: Do Private Forecasts Match Those of Policymakers?

by William T. Gavin and Rachel J. Mandal

Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) projections are important because they provide information for evaluating current monetary policy intentions and because they indicate what FOMC members think will be the likely consequences of their policies.

Posted 2001-05-01

Toward a New Paradigm in Open Economy Modeling: Where Do We Stand?

by Lucio Sarno

This article provides a selective, up-to-date survey of the recent, fast-growing literature on new open economy macroeconomics. Lucio Sarno begins with a review of the seminal paper in this literature, describing the baseline model proposed herein.

Posted 2001-05-01

A Simple Model of Limited Stock Market Participation

by Hui Guo

Stocks have outperformed government bonds, on average, by a large margin in historical data. However, most U.S. households do not own stocks, either directly or indirectly. Also, stocks are highly concentrated in the hands of relatively few wealthy people.