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October 1986, 
Vol. 68, No. 8
Posted 1986-10-01

The Andersen-Jordan Approach After Nearly 20 Years

by Jerry L. Jordan

Jerry L. Jordan describes the theoretical and policy-related issues of the late 1960s that led him and Leonall C. Andersen to develop what is now called the Andersen-Jordan approach. First, they viewed their research as a sequel to work by Friedman-Meiselman, Brunner-Meltzer, and others who had demonstrated the general potence of monetary policy actions. In addition, their research attempted to answer a policy issue of vital concern in 1968: whether the expansive monetary stimulus or the restrictive fiscal policy actions then in place would have the predominant impact on spending. Jordan then discusses why, in his opinion, the Andersen-Jordan method and results were considered so controversial. Finally, after reviewing some reasons often cited for the alleged demise of monetarism in recent years, Jordan concludes that the Andersen-Jordan approach endures; specifically, the single-equation, reduced-form methodology employed to assess the effects of different policy actions on the economy remains useful today.