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August/September 1986, 
Vol. 68, No. 7
Posted 1986-08-01

A Microeconomic System-Wide Approach to the Estimation of the Demand for Money

by Salam K. Fayyad

Salam K. Fayyad describes how the microeconomic system-wide approach to money demand differs from the usual money demand specifications. Using a neoclassical utility function defined over five expenditure categories, two of which are presumed to capture the flow of “monetary services,” he demonstrates how the microeconomic system-wide approach can be implemented. Fayyad then examines in-sample predictions of budget shares for expenditures on monetary services and the other expenditure categories estimated by this approach over the I/1969-I/1985 period. His results indicate that the microeconomic system-wide approach to money demand estimation yields predictions that closely track the actual behavior of the flow of monetary services over this period.