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August/September 1980

Posted 1980-08-01

The Russian Gain Embargo: Dubious Success

by Clifton B. Luttrell

On January 4, 1980, the President Carter announced an embargo on grain exports to the Soviet Union in response to the Soviet armed invasion of Afghanistan. The embargo was designed to limit U.S. grain exports to the Soviet Union to 8 million metric tons, an amount to which the U.S. was committed under the 1975 five-year grain sale agreement. 

Posted 1980-08-01

What Happened to the Economy in the First Half of 1980?

by Albert E. Burger

The U.S. economy was subjected to severe strains during the first half of 1980. When major economic developments occur so rapidly, it is difficult to isolate the basic forces that are driving the economy. 

Posted 1980-08-01

Rise and Fall of Interest Rates

by Norman N. Bowsher

Market interest rates have moved over a wide range since mid-1979. In the last half of 1979 and in the first three months of 1980, interest rates rose to unprecedented levels. Rates on highest grade corporate bonds, for example, increased from 9.3 percent in June 1979 to 13 percent in March 1980.