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March 1979

Posted 1979-03-01

The FOMC in 1978: Clarifying the Role of the Aggregates

by Richard W. Lang

In its policy deliberations in 1978, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) clarified the roles that the monetary aggregates play in policy considerations in two respects. The interpretation and emphasis to be placed on the FOMC’s two-month growth ranges of the monetary aggregates were clarified by changes in the wording of the domestic policy directive. 

Posted 1979-03-01

Benefits of Borrowing from the Federal Reserve When the Discount Rate is Below Interest Rates

by R. Alton Gilbert

One of the privileges of membership in the Federal Reserve System is borrowing at the discount window. Bankers generally rate access to the discount window as one of the most, if not the most, important benefits of Federal Reserve membership.