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October 1977

Posted 1977-10-01

The Growing Similarities Among Financial Institutions

by Jean M. Lovati

Depository financial institutions are able to exist because of certain efficiencies which allow them to provide credit to borrowers at lower rates and higher net returns to depositors than would he available without such intermediaries. These efficiencies, combined with nationally mandated priorities concerning the roles of these institutions in society, have produced institutions which are specialized in scope. Despite some efforts to maintain this specialization, financial institutions are forming a new framework within which to operate. By creating and reacting to competitive challenges, financial institutions are breaking away from their specialized roles and successfully altering traditional distinctions.

Posted 1977-10-01

The Early 1960s: A Guide to the Late 1970s

by Norman N. Bowsher

Lessons can be learned from a study of the past. Future mistakes can be avoided, using the information gained through analysis of the policy actions that were taken and evaluating the resulting economic performance. Similarly, for these periods when economic performance was successful, an analysis of the contributing forces provides some positive guidance to policymakers. From an economic growth and stabilization viewpoint, the four-year period from 1961 to 1965 was one of the most successful in our history.