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Our research video series is straight to the point: Listen to St. Louis Fed economists talk about the insights they've gained through their research and observations of the world.

Carlos Garriga, research director at the St. Louis Fed, looks at the recent history and possible futures of the housing market.

B. Ravikumar, senior vice president and deputy research director, discusses trends in world population growth, accounting for changes in birth rates and death rates over time. Basic health practices are a major component of declining death rates.

Mark Wright offers a primer on how and why the Fed measures inflation

Ana Maria Santacreu analyzes how and why firms move patents to tax havens.

Hannah Rubinton considers the question, Did lower immigration tighten US labor markets?

Serdar Birinci analyzes the labor market's signal of a soft landing.

Fernando Leibovici provides insights on the semiconductor industry. Shortages during the COVID-19 pandemic raised concerns about US reliance on foreign-made semiconductors. Now, new laws subsidize domestic production of semiconductors in the US.

Paulina Restrepo-Echavarria explains the mechanisms behind national debt default.

Charles Gascon looks at the childcare industry's changes in the aftermath of the pandemic, the US shortage of childcare workers, and higher childcare costs. 

Victoria Gregory discusses trends in self-employment in the US and the forces that affect those who want to work for themselves, including changes during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Oksana Leukhina considers the effects of an alternative college admissions policy based on household wealth.

Jonathan Rose looks back and forth at historical and recent bank runs