The Research Division hosts a free biennial conference to address the challenges of economic information. The event brings together experts to share their experiences at the frontier of economic data and information, discuss problems and potential solutions, and identify ways to improve access to and understanding of economic information.
The aim of this event is to provide librarians and other information professionals with the knowledge, competence, and enthusiasm to disseminate economic information expertise to their respective audiences.
Beyond the Numbers is coordinated by our Research Information Services staff. Contact the organizing committee at:
November 6-8, 2023
Governor Christopher Waller, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Arthur Johannes Giesberts, Development Economist, Development Data Group, World Bank
November 8-10, 2022
Stacey Vanek Smith, author and co-host of NPR's The Indicator from Planet Money
Erica Groshen, Senior Economics Advisor at Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations and former U.S. Commissioner of Labor Statistics
November 17-19, 2021 (Online)
Matt Sobek, Director of Data Integration at IPUMS Center for Data Integration, Minnesota Population Center
Tim Harford, economist, author, and Financial Times columnist.
Dominic Beamer and team, Chief, Nonresponse Operations Branch, Decennial Census Management Division, U.S. Census Bureau Office
Diego Mendez-Carbajo, Senior Economic Education Specialist, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
November 18-20, 2020 (Online)
William Beach, Commissioner, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Charles Hokayem, Economist, Kentucky Research Data Center and John Perry, Economist, Centre College
Lars Vilhuber, Economist, Cornell University
November 7-9, 2018
Keynote speakers:
Stephanie Lee Studds, Division Chief, Economic Indicators Division, U.S. Census Bureau
Wendy Stephens, Assistant Professor and Library Media Program Chair, Jacksonville State University
October 6-8, 2016
Keynote speakers:
Stephen Cecchetti, Professor of International Economics, Brandeis International Business School
Brian C. Moyer, Director, Bureau of Economic Analysis
September 29-30, 2014
Keynote speakers:
Hal Varian, Chief Economist, Google
Neil Fantom, Manager, Open Data Initiative, World Bank