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January/February 2003

Posted 2003-01-01

The Impact of Changes in FOMC Disclosure Practices on the Transparency of Monetary Policy: Are Markets and the FOMC Better "Synched"?

by William Poole and Robert H. Rasche

This article examines how the expectations of market participants about future policy actions changed over the decade in which the FOMC adopted practices to improve the transparency of its policy actions.

Posted 2003-01-01

A Look Inside Two Central Banks: The European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve

by Patricia S. Pollard

This article examines modern central banking, with a focus on the world’s two most prominent central banks—the Federal Reserve System and the European Central Bank. First, it examines the structure and appointment process of the key policymakers at the central banks. Next, it highlights the tasks of the central banks, focusing on the monetary policy process.

Posted 2003-01-01

Was Y2K Behind the Business Investment Boom and Bust?

by Kevin L. Kliesen

The evidence presented in this article indicates that the recent investment boom and bust was more than a Y2K event.

Posted 2003-01-01

The Financial Condition of U.S. Banks: How Different Are Community Banks?

by R. Alton Gilbert and Gregory E. Sierra

This article examines the condition of U.S. commercial banks of various sizes since the early 1990s, with an emphasis on differences between the condition of community banks and larger banks.