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March/April 1989

Posted 1989-03-01

U.S. Investment in the 1980s: The Real Story

by John A. Tatom

John A. Tatom explains why some measures of U.S. investment performance look relatively weak in this decade. According to Tatom, recent real business fixed investment measures are the highest in nearly 60 years, especially when adjusted for the relatively larger amounts of unused plant and equipment compared with that during previous investment booms.

Posted 1989-03-01

The FOMC in 1988: Uncertainty's Effects on Monetary Policy

by Michelle R. Garfinkel

Michelle R. Garfinkel examines the various economic factors that influenced the deliberations and decisions of the Federal Open Market Committee in 1988.

Posted 1989-03-01

Interest Rates and Economic Announcements

by Gerald P. Dwyer, Jr. and R. W. Hafer

Gerald P. Dwyer Jr. and R. W. Hafer investigate whether announcements of government statistics systematically affect interest rates. To analyze the effects of such announcements, the authors examine the behavior of changes in the 3-month Treasury bill rate and the 30-year government bond rate around days on which government statistics are first made public.

Posted 1989-03-01

Is America Being Sold Out?

by Mack Ott

Ott analyzes the controversy surrounding this transformation and the validity of the concerns about the economic implications of foreign ownership of U.S. assets.

Posted 1989-03-01

Money and the International Monetary System

by H. Robert Heller

H. Robert Heller examines the role of money and monetary stability and the choice between a national or an international monetary standard.