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January/February 1993

The Government's Role in Deposit Insurance

Posted 1993-01-01

The Government's Role in Deposit Insurance

by Steven H. Russell

During the 1980s, banks and thrift institutions failed at a rate the United States has not experienced since the Great Depression. Deposits at most of these institutions were insured by the federal government, and covering the insurance liabilities has required hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer funds.

Posted 1993-01-01

What Have We Learned about Deposit Insurance from the Historical Record?

by David C. Wheelock

Federal deposit insurance was enacted in 1933 as a response to the bank failures of the Great Depression. Deposit insurance was not, however, a new policy at that time. During the 19th and early 20th centuries, many states experimented with deposit insurance systems. 

Posted 1993-01-01

Deposit Insurance: A Skeptical View

by Kevin Dowd

The author discusses how Federal Deposit Insurance is a classic case of the wrong solution offered for the wrong probĀ­lem. He seeks to protect banks against the runs to which they would be prone under laissez-faire, in which they would not have the protection deposit insurance gives them. 

Posted 1993-01-01

Banking without Tax-Backed Deposit Insurance

by J. Huston McCulloch

Traditional banks and thrift institutions are beset by two special problems that most first other firms do not confront. The first special problem in the extreme mismatching of maturities by thrift institutions. Until recently, these institutions were expected and even encouraged to finance 30-year fixed-rate mortgages by accepting savings deposits with maturities of virtually zero. 

Posted 1993-01-01

Remarks on Banking and Deposit Insurance

by Philip H. Dybvig

The author discusses the following: To what extent are banking functions part of the essential infrastructure of the economy that must be regulated or assisted by government? To what extent is banking just another industry—one that should be governed by the same rules as other industries? 

Posted 1993-01-01

Deposit Insurance Policy

by Anjan Thakor

This article explores a few basic questions in deposit insurance policy. First, the author assumes that deposit insurance is essential and examines how an insurance system with some desirable attributes can be implemented. He then explores alternatives to the existing deposit insurance system and asks whether deposit insurance is really desirable in light of the implementation difficulties identified.

Posted 1993-01-01

Deposit Insurance: Problems and Solutions

by Mark D. Flood

The author briefly described the current plan for a risk-premium structure of deposit insurance and considers some potential operational problems with it. He also reflect on the role of risk-based premiums in the context of the broader themes of the current debate over bank regulatory policy.

Posted 1993-01-01

References for the Symposium articles

Posted 1993-01-01

Implications of Annual Examinations for the Bank Insurance Fund

by R. Alton Gilbert

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 requires federal supervisors to examine insured depository institutions annually. This article investigates whether mandatory annual examinations will make supervisors more effective in limiting losses to the Bank Insurance Fund (BIF) that result from bank failure.

Posted 1993-01-01

On the Macroeconomics of Private Debt

by Keith M. Carlson

During the 1980s, private-sector borrowing expanded to such an extent that many analysts became concerned that the accumulated debt would be a drag on spending, making the recession worse if and when it occurred and slowing the ensuing recovery.