Search Results
Working Paper
Mismatch Unemployment During COVID-19 and the Post-Pandemic Labor Shortages
Birinci, Serdar; Mercan, Yusuf; See, Kurt
We examine the extent to which mismatch unemployment—employment losses relative to an efficient allocation where the planner can costlessly reallocate unemployed workers across sectors to maximize output—shaped labor market dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent recovery episode characterized by labor shortages. We find that, for the first time in our sample, mismatch unemployment turned negative at the onset of the pandemic. This result suggests that the efficient allocation of job seekers would involve reallocating workers toward longer-tenure and more-productive jobs, ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2024-025
Working Paper
Monetary Policy and the Great COVID-19 Price Level Shock
Andolfatto, David; Martin, Fernando M.
We use an analytically tractable DSGE model to study the surge in the cost of living in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. A calibrated version of the model is used to assess the conduct of US monetary and fiscal policy over the 2020-2024 period. The model is also used to estimate the economic and welfare consequences of alternative monetary and fiscal policies. The calibrated model suggests that while the extraordinary fiscal transfers made in 2020-21 generally improved economic welfare, they were significantly larger than needed. These welfare gains came primarily in the form of insurance, ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2025-004
Working Paper
The Rapid Adoption of Generative AI
Bick, Alexander; Blandin, Adam; Deming, David
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is a potentially important new technology, but its impact on the economy depends on the speed and intensity of adoption. This paper reports results from a series of nationally representative U.S. surveys of generative AI use at work and at home. As of late 2024, nearly 40% of the U.S. population age 18-64 uses generative AI. 23% of employed respondents had used generative AI for work at least once in the previous week, and 9% used it every work day. Relative to each technology’s first mass-market product launch, work adoption of generative AI has been ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2024-027
Working Paper
Lifetime Work Hours and the Evolution of the Gender Wage Gap
Leukhina, Oksana; Vandenbroucke, Guillaume
The gender wage gap expanded between 1940 and 1975 but narrowed sharply between 1980 and 1995. We use a human capital accumulation model introduced in Ben-Porath (1967) to assess the role of gender differences in life-cycle profiles of market time and occupation sorting in explaining the gender wage gap dynamics over the long run. Men’s aggregate hours profiles changed little across cohorts, but women’s profiles converged to those of men, and especially so in higher-paying occupations. We calibrate the model to wage data by age, year, gender and occupation, and find that changing time ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2022-025
Working Paper
Parents, Patience, and Persistence: A Novel Theory of Intergenerational College Attainment
Fuller, David L.; Vandenbroucke, Guillaume
We present a novel theory of intergenerational persistence in college attainment that does not rely on credit constraints, parental transfers and investments, or persistence in innate ability. The gist of our theory is heterogeneity in time preferences, which are endogenous since parents can teach patience to their children before the children make their college decisions. We show, analytically, that the most patient parents are simultaneously more likely to have a college degree and to educate their children to be patient. Persistence follows. We also show that persistence occurs if and only ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2025-003
Working Paper
The Rapid Adoption of Generative AI
Bick, Alexander; Blandin, Adam; Deming, David
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is a potentially important new technology, but its impact on the economy depends on the speed and intensity of adoption. This paper reports results from a series of nationally representative U.S. surveys of generative AI use at work and at home. As of late 2024, nearly 40 percent of the U.S. population age 18-64 uses generative AI. 23 percent of employed respondents had used generative AI for work at least once in the previous week, and 9 percent used it every work day. Relative to each technology’s first mass-market product launch, work adoption of ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2024-027
Working Paper
The economic effects of a potential armed conflict over Taiwan
Neely, Christopher J.
This article examines the likely economic effects of a Chinese invasion or blockade of Taiwan for the U.S. and the world by considering historical precedents. Such a conflict would likely produce a flight-to-safety in the asset market, huge disruptions in international trade, and banking problems, and it would greatly exacerbate existing fiscal pressures. The authorities of the People’s Republic of China would probably try to sell U.S. and other western securities prior to a conflict to avoid sanctions on those assets. Such sales would be temporarily disruptive but would likely have only ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2024-034
Working Paper
Time Averaging Meets Labor Supplies of Heckman, Lochner, and Taber
Graves, Sebastian; Gregory, Victoria; Ljungqvist, Lars; Sargent, Thomas J.
We add endogenous career lengths to the Heckman, Lochner, and Taber (1998a) (HLT) model with its credit markets and within-period labor supply indivisibilities, all of which are essential features of Ljungqvist and Sargent (2006) “time-averaging.” A benchmark social security system puts all workers at corner solutions of their retirement decisions. That lets our model reproduce most outcomes in HLT’s model with its inelastic labor supply and mandatory retirement date for all types of workers. Eight types of workers are indexed by pairs of innate abilities and choices of education ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2023-012
Working Paper
On the Transition to Sustained Growth: The Importance of Recent Agricultural Employment
Ravikumar, B.; Vandenbroucke, Guillaume
We study a model where a single good can be produced using a diminishing-returns technology (Malthus) and a constant-returns technology (Solow). We map the former to agriculture and show that the share of agricultural employment declines at a constant rate during the economic transition and that recent observations on the share are sufficient to estimate the onset of transition. Our model implies that (i) output growth is higher and increasing after the onset of transition, (ii) during the transition, it is a first-order autoregressive process, and (iii) the rate of decline in the share of ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2023-026
Working Paper
On the Transition to Sustained Growth: The Importance of Recent Agricultural Employment
Ravikumar, B.; Vandenbroucke, Guillaume
We study a model where a single good can be produced using a diminishing-returns technology (Malthus) and a constant-returns technology (Solow). We map the former to agriculture and show that the share of agricultural employment declines at a constant rate during the economic transition and that recent observations on the share are sufficient to estimate the onset of transition. Our model implies that (i) output growth is higher and increasing after the onset of transition, (ii) during the transition, it is a first-order autoregressive process, and (iii) the rate of decline in the share of ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2023-026
Working Papers 1715 items
FILTER BY Content Type
Wen, Yi 109 items
Owyang, Michael T. 82 items
Neely, Christopher J. 74 items
Thornton, Daniel L. 66 items
Sanchez, Juan M. 62 items
Faria-e-Castro, Miguel 60 items
Wheelock, David C. 60 items
Chien, YiLi 50 items
Bandyopadhyay, Subhayu 49 items
Kozlowski, Julian 49 items
Santacreu, Ana Maria 47 items
Birinci, Serdar 44 items
Bullard, James B. 42 items
Coughlin, Cletus C. 42 items
Hafer, Rik 41 items
McCracken, Michael W. 41 items
Martin, Fernando M. 40 items
See, Kurt 40 items
Ravikumar, B. 39 items
Guidolin, Massimo 37 items
Wall, Howard J. 37 items
Dueker, Michael J. 36 items
Leibovici, Fernando 36 items
Vandenbroucke, Guillaume 35 items
Garrett, Thomas A. 30 items
Anderson, Richard G. 29 items
Dupor, Bill 27 items
Garriga, Carlos 26 items
Gavin, William T. 25 items
Piger, Jeremy M. 25 items
Andolfatto, David 24 items
Restrepo-Echavarria, Paulina 23 items
Guo, Hui 22 items
Nelson, Edward 22 items
Rubinton, Hannah 22 items
Gregory, Victoria 21 items
Hernandez-Murillo, Ruben 21 items
Pakko, Michael R. 21 items
DiCecio, Riccardo 20 items
Ozkan, Serdar 20 items
Wang, Pengfei 20 items
Belongia, Michael T. 19 items
Cohen, Jeffrey P. 19 items
Emmons, William R. 19 items
Leukhina, Oksana 19 items
Waller, Christopher J. 18 items
Dvorkin, Maximiliano 17 items
Jackson, Laura E. 17 items
Tatom, John A. 17 items
Batten, Dallas S. 16 items
Espino, Emilio 16 items
Rasche, Robert H. 16 items
Wheeler, Christopher H. 16 items
Wilson, Paul W. 16 items
Bick, Alexander 15 items
Brinca, Pedro 15 items
Kliesen, Kevin L. 15 items
Schmid, Frank A. 15 items
Ebsim, Mahdi 14 items
Gilbert, R. Alton 14 items
Pollard, Patricia S. 14 items
Zimmermann, Christian 14 items
Blandin, Adam 13 items
Clark, Todd E. 13 items
Francis, Neville 13 items
Sandler, Todd 13 items
Soques, Daniel 13 items
Weller, Paul A. 13 items
Wiczer, David 13 items
Cheremukhin, Anton A. 12 items
Jaremski, Matthew 12 items
Peralta-Alva, Adrian 12 items
Azariadis, Costas 11 items
Contessi, Silvio 11 items
Holter, Hans 11 items
Sposi, Michael 11 items
Allen, Donald S. 10 items
Daruich, Diego 10 items
Greenwood, Jeremy 10 items
Hein, Scott E. 10 items
Hejkal, John P. 10 items
Karahan, Fatih 10 items
Kydland, Finn E. 10 items
Mercan, Yusuf 10 items
Monge-Naranjo, Alexander 10 items
Pennington-Cross, Anthony 10 items
Taylor, Lowell J. 10 items
Vaughan, Mark D. 10 items
Yeager, Timothy J. 10 items
Younas, Javed 10 items
Berentsen, Aleksander 9 items
Chen, Yunmin 9 items
Keen, Benjamin D. 9 items
Ohanian, Lee E. 9 items
Otrok, Christopher 9 items
Ritter, Joseph A. 9 items
Schlagenhauf, Don E. 9 items
Sheehan, Richard G. 9 items
Athreya, Kartik B. 8 items
Conley, Timothy G. 8 items
Crews, Jonas C. 8 items
Ferreira, Miguel H. 8 items
Gascon, Charles S. 8 items
Guisinger, Amy Y. 8 items
Halvorsen, Elin 8 items
Juvenal, Luciana 8 items
Kohn, David 8 items
Li, Rong 8 items
Mehkari, M. Saif 8 items
Paul, Pascal 8 items
Salgado, Sergio 8 items
Sapriza, Horacio 8 items
Sarno, Lucio 8 items
Savickas, Robert 8 items
Timmerman, Allan 8 items
Williamson, Stephen D. 8 items
Yurdagul, Emircan 8 items
Bordo, Michael D. 7 items
Carlson, Mark A. 7 items
Chambers, Matthew 7 items
Duarte, Joao B. 7 items
Duffy, John 7 items
Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro 7 items
King, Thomas B. 7 items
Kolesnikova, Natalia A. 7 items
Krishna, R. Vijay 7 items
Lahiri, Sajal 7 items
Meyer, Andrew P. 7 items
Pecchenino, Rowena A. 7 items
Sengupta, Rajdeep 7 items
Szkup, Michal 7 items
Wright, Mark L. J. 7 items
Badel, Alejandro 6 items
Barseghyan, Levon 6 items
Black, Dan A. 6 items
Bloedel, Alex 6 items
Caramp, Nicolas 6 items
Chrystal, K. Alec 6 items
Dittmar, Robert 6 items
Erdemlioglu, Deniz 6 items
Gayle, George-Levi 6 items
Han, Pengfei 6 items
Hubmer, Joachim 6 items
Kim, Chang-Jin 6 items
Levine, David K. 6 items
Manuelli, Rodolfo E. 6 items
Mitra, Devashish 6 items
Morley, James 6 items
Mustre-del-Rio, Jose 6 items
Park, Youngmin 6 items
Rapach, David E. 6 items
Teeple, Keisuke 6 items
Van Patten, Diana 6 items
Wee, Shu Lin 6 items
Yoo, Peter S. 6 items
Binner, Jane M. 5 items
Calomiris, Charles W. 5 items
Canon, Maria E. 5 items
Chiang, Yu-Ting 5 items
Cole, Harold L. 5 items
Dong, Feng 5 items
Golan, Limor 5 items
Heipertz, Jonas 5 items
Ho, Giang 5 items
Hyde, Stuart 5 items
Inokuma, Hiroshi 5 items
Kaas, Leo 5 items
Laurent, Sebastien 5 items
Lustig, Hanno 5 items
Martinez-Zarzoso, Immaculada 5 items
Mather, Ryan 5 items
Menzio, Guido 5 items
Mihov, Ilian 5 items
Nicodano, Giovanna 5 items
Ott, Mack 5 items
Pintus, Patrick A. 5 items
Santoni, G. J. 5 items
Sierra, Gregory E. 5 items
Sola, Martin 5 items
Valente, Giorgio 5 items
Aguiar-Conraria, Luis 4 items
Amburgey, Aaron 4 items
Basu, Arnab K. 4 items
Butler, Alison 4 items
Caplin, Andrew 4 items
Chau, Nancy H. 4 items
Conesa, Juan Carlos 4 items
Davidson, Lawrence S. 4 items
Dempsey, Kyle 4 items
Dunn, Jason 4 items
Engemann, Kristie M. 4 items
Fischer, Andreas M. 4 items
Francis, Johanna L. 4 items
Fuller, David L. 4 items
Galvão, Ana B. 4 items
Goncalves, Silvia 4 items
Hendricks, Lutz 4 items
Hong, Sungki 4 items
Isaacson, Maggie 4 items
Jones, Barry E. 4 items
Kool, Clemens J. M. 4 items
Koreshkova, Tatyana 4 items
Kudlyak, Marianna 4 items
Lee, Eungik 4 items
Leth-Petersen, Soren 4 items
Li, Jingchao 4 items
López-Salido, J. David 4 items
Mason, Joseph R. 4 items
McInish, Thomas H. 4 items
Nosal, Ed 4 items
Nóbrega, Valter 4 items
Planchon, Jade 4 items
Riezman, Raymond 4 items
Rogerson, Richard 4 items
Singh, Aarti 4 items
Sæverud, Johan 4 items
Tutino, Antonella 4 items
Wagner, Gary A. 4 items
Xu, Zhiwei 4 items
Yang, C.C. 4 items
Yang, Xiye 4 items
Zhang, Yuzhe 4 items
Zhou, Yijiang 4 items
Šustek, Roman 4 items
Ahrens, Maximilian 3 items
Andres, Javier 3 items
Banternghansa, Chanont 3 items
Bhardwaj, Geetesh 3 items
Blei, Sharon K. 3 items
Boldrin, Michele 3 items
Burger, Albert E. 3 items
Cai, Jie 3 items
Caplan, Aidan 3 items
Caplan, Tristan 3 items
Cardak, Buly A. 3 items
Caunedo, Julieta 3 items
Chan, Mons 3 items
Chiodo, Abbigail J. 3 items
Cho, In-Koo 3 items
De Pace, Pierangelo 3 items
Deming, David 3 items
Demyanyk, Yuliya 3 items
Dewald, William G. 3 items
Dutt, Pushan 3 items
Dwyer, Gerald P. 3 items
Evans, George W. 3 items
Famiglietti, Matthew 3 items
Fugazza, Carolina 3 items
Gandelman, Nestor 3 items
Georgellis, Yannis 3 items
Ghent, Andra C. 3 items
Glomm, Gerhard 3 items
Greaney, Brian 3 items
Guvenen, Fatih 3 items
Hagströmer, Björn 3 items
Hall, John R. 3 items
Hassan, Tarek A. 3 items
Haubrich, Joseph G. 3 items
Hong, Guangbin 3 items
Honkapohja, Seppo 3 items
Hooks, Donald L. 3 items
Huggett, Mark 3 items
Jansen, Dennis W. 3 items
Jordan-Wood, Samuel 3 items
Kalish, Lionel 3 items
Kalyani, Aakash 3 items
Karabarbounis, Marios 3 items
Komunjer, Ivana 3 items
Kutan, Ali M. 3 items
LaBelle, Jesse 3 items
Lahaye, Jerome 3 items
Li, Nan 3 items
Li, Victor E. 3 items
McCrory, Peter B. 3 items
McGillicuddy, Joseph 3 items
McMahon, Michael 3 items
Modica, Salvatore 3 items
Mutreja, Piyusha 3 items
Nelson, Charles R. 3 items
Nilsson, Birger 3 items
Ono, Sadayuki 3 items
Park, Sangkyun 3 items
Pham, Cong S. 3 items
Porcher, Charly 3 items
Pugsley, Benjamin 3 items
Rhine, Russell M. 3 items
Rodrigo, Guerrero 3 items
Ross, Stephen L. 3 items
Roy, Suryadipta 3 items
Roys, Nicolas 3 items
Russell, Steven 3 items
Sanchez-Losada, Fernando 3 items
Santamaría, Clara 3 items
Santos, Manuel S. 3 items
Sekhposyan, Tatevik 3 items
Shin, Yongseok 3 items
Smith, Bruce D. 3 items
Song, Jae 3 items
Soytas, Mehmet A. 3 items
Spencer, Roger W. 3 items
Startz, Richard 3 items
Storesletten, Kjetil 3 items
Tahoun, Ahmed 3 items
Theodorou, Athena T. 3 items
Traca, Daniel A. 3 items
Wang, Xin 3 items
Wang, Zijun 3 items
Wu, HsinJung 3 items
Xing, Xiaochuan 3 items
Yang, C. C. 3 items
Yang, Jian 3 items
Yotov, Yoto 3 items
Young, Eric R. 3 items
Zubairy, Sarah 3 items
Adamopoulos, Tasso 2 items
Allen, Stuart D. 2 items
Anbil, Sriya 2 items
Andersen, Leonall C. 2 items
Antinolfi, Gaetano 2 items
Arbogast, Iris 2 items
Arifovic, Jasmina 2 items
Arromdee, Vachira 2 items
Auer, Raphael 2 items
Auray, Stéphane 2 items
Benhabib, Jess 2 items
Benigno, Gianluca 2 items
Bhandari, Anmol 2 items
Bhattarai, Saroj 2 items
Boel, Paola 2 items
Bokun, Kathryn 2 items
Boudt, Kris 2 items
Brada, Josef C. 2 items
Braun, Helge 2 items
Brave, Scott A. 2 items
Brown, W. W. 2 items
Caldara, Dario 2 items
Camera, Gabriele 2 items
Cavalcanti Ferreira, Pedro 2 items
Chalfant, James A. 2 items
Chauvet, Marcelle 2 items
Chen, Daphne 2 items
Chen, Huigang 2 items
Choi, Woon Gyu 2 items
Cirelli, Fernando 2 items
Clapp, John M. 2 items
Cornelli, Giulio 2 items
Coroneo, Laura 2 items
Coupé, Tom 2 items
Danis, Michelle A. 2 items
De Bock, Reinout 2 items
De Nicola, Francesca 2 items
DePace, Pierangelo 2 items
Dinlersoz, Emin M. 2 items
Doucouliagos, Hristos 2 items
Eusepi, Stefano 2 items
Figueroa, Nicolás 2 items
Fried, Joel 2 items
Friedberg, Leora 2 items
Fuchs-Schündeln, Nicola 2 items
Gagnon, Etienne 2 items
Garfinkel, Michelle R. 2 items
Graves, Sebastian 2 items
Gutkowski, Violeta A. 2 items
Hamann, Franz 2 items
Hanes, Christopher 2 items
Hedlund, Aaron 2 items
Herkenhoff, Kyle F. 2 items
Higbee, Jason 2 items
Hoffman, Dennis L. 2 items
Hogan, Marie 2 items
Hollander, Stephan 2 items
Hsieh, Chih-Sheng 2 items
Ivanova, Yuliya 2 items
Jiang, Xian 2 items
Jiao, Yang 2 items
Kaboski, Joseph P. 2 items
Kahn, Charles M. 2 items
Kara, Amit 2 items
Karaivanov, Alexander K. 2 items
Karnosky, Denis S. 2 items
Khan, Aubhik 2 items
Kim, Gyuhan 2 items
Kim, Yang-Woo 2 items
Kluender, William 2 items
Knowles, John 2 items
Kolb, Fredric 2 items
Kose, M. Ayhan 2 items
Kumbhaker, Subal C. 2 items
König, Michael D. 2 items
La Ferrara, Eliana 2 items
La Jeunesse, Elizabeth A. 2 items
Lagakos, David 2 items
Levin, Andrew T. 2 items
Liu, Xiaodong 2 items
Ljungqvist, Lars 2 items
Llobet, Gerard 2 items
Lopez Boo, Florencia 2 items
Madera, Rocio 2 items
Mandal, Rachel J. 2 items
Marks, Cassandra 2 items
Marsh, Thomas L. 2 items
Martinez-Garcia, Enrique 2 items
Martorana, Joseph 2 items
McCallum, Bennett T. 2 items
McGrattan, Ellen R. 2 items
McMillan, David 2 items
Mendoza, Enrique G. 2 items
Mertens, Karel 2 items
Michaud, Amanda M. 2 items
Miller, Robert A. 2 items
Miller, Thomas W. 2 items
Mitra, Kaushik 2 items
Mizrach, Bruce 2 items
Mola, Simona 2 items
Monteiro, Paulo Santos 2 items
Moon, Terry S. 2 items
Munemo, Jonathan 2 items
Naknoi, Kanda 2 items
Ndikumana, Leonce 2 items
Nesmith, Travis D. 2 items
Ng, Serena 2 items
Nickerson, David B. 2 items
Nie, Jun 2 items
Novy, Dennis 2 items
Oh, Seonghwan 2 items
Ott, Lesli S. 2 items
Pasupathy, Meenakshi 2 items
Poole, William 2 items
Popov, Latchezar 2 items
Proske, Dieter 2 items
Pugh, Thomas 2 items
Qi, Shi 2 items
Ramirez, Carlos 2 items
Rebucci, Alessandro 2 items
Reed, W. Robert 2 items
Richter, Alexander W. 2 items
Ricketts, Lowell R. 2 items
Rinaldi, Francesca 2 items
Rivadeneyra, Francisco 2 items
Rosser, J. Barkley 2 items
Sanders, Seth G. 2 items
Santaeulalia-Llopis, Raul 2 items
Sargent, Thomas J. 2 items
Schaling, Eric 2 items
Schwedeler, Markus 2 items
Segev, Eran 2 items
Seshadri, Ananth 2 items
Sinclair, Tara M. 2 items
Sobel, Russell S. 2 items
Spagnolo, Fabio 2 items
Suda, Jacek 2 items
Tam, Xuan S. 2 items
Terza, Joseph V. 2 items
Throckmorton, Nathaniel A. 2 items
Torres de Mello Pereira, Luciene 2 items
Tsai, Yi-Chan 2 items
Tsujiyama, Hitoshi 2 items
Veldkamp, Laura 2 items
Venkateswaran, Venky 2 items
Walstrum, Thomas 2 items
Wang, Cheng 2 items
Wang, Ping 2 items
Waugh, Michael E. 2 items
Wesche, Katrin 2 items
Williams, Marcela M. 2 items
Wong, Tsz-Nga 2 items
Yao, Yongxu 2 items
Zhang, Jing 2 items
Zoega, Gylfi 2 items
van Lent, Laurence 2 items
Żoch, Piotr 2 items
Agarwal, Nikhil 1 items
Ahmed, Ehsan 1 items
Ahn, Byung Chan 1 items
Allsopp, Christopher 1 items
Alpanda, Sami 1 items
Arbex, Marcelo 1 items
Arias, Maria A. 1 items
Armesto, Michelle T. 1 items
Aruoba, S. Boragan 1 items
Asea, Patrick K. 1 items
Babb, Christopher T. 1 items
Bandyopadhyay, Sudeshna C. 1 items
Bar, Michael 1 items
Basistha, Arabinda 1 items
Batini, Nicoletta 1 items
Battalio, Raymond 1 items
Bauer, Michael D. 1 items
Bearse, Peter 1 items
Beine, Michel 1 items
Belaygorod, Anatoliy 1 items
Bennett, Rosalind L. 1 items
Berka, Martin 1 items
Betts, D. C. 1 items
Betts, Jerram C. 1 items
Bhattacharyya, Nalinaksha 1 items
Bhaumik, Sumon 1 items
Bibinger, Markus 1 items
Bies, Susan Schmidt 1 items
Blavy, Rodolphe 1 items
show more (495)
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
E62 109 items
E24 99 items
E52 81 items
E32 68 items
J24 64 items
J31 49 items
E44 48 items
E58 48 items
E13 47 items
E21 47 items
G21 46 items
H21 44 items
F41 42 items
E22 41 items
J64 41 items
O33 41 items
E4 39 items
H30 37 items
E6 34 items
G12 34 items
O41 30 items
C53 29 items
G01 28 items
C32 27 items
G15 27 items
E5 26 items
E61 26 items
J22 26 items
F1 24 items
F34 24 items
D31 23 items
J63 23 items
E43 22 items
G32 21 items
E31 20 items
J65 20 items
O40 20 items
C12 19 items
E3 19 items
G11 19 items
O47 19 items
F12 18 items
H31 18 items
H56 18 items
J62 18 items
C52 17 items
E30 17 items
F11 17 items
G28 17 items
O11 17 items
D82 16 items
J11 16 items
I12 15 items
J20 15 items
R11 14 items
E60 13 items
F16 13 items
F4 13 items
G14 13 items
J61 13 items
N22 13 items
E47 12 items
E51 12 items
O16 12 items
R12 12 items
R31 12 items
E2 11 items
E65 11 items
F10 11 items
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I15 11 items
J21 11 items
C14 10 items
C25 10 items
C38 10 items
F66 10 items
R10 10 items
C61 9 items
D40 9 items
D84 9 items
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J13 9 items
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H0 8 items
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C45 7 items
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C73 6 items
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C72 5 items
D24 5 items
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G18 5 items
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H73 2 items
I2 2 items
I30 2 items
I38 2 items
J40 2 items
L22 2 items
O15 2 items
O25 2 items
O3 2 items
O57 2 items
Q53 2 items
R53 2 items
Z0 2 items
A14 1 items
B0 1 items
B1 1 items
B2 1 items
C02 1 items
C1 1 items
C10 1 items
C18 1 items
C21 1 items
C26 1 items
C34 1 items
C51 1 items
C54 1 items
C71 1 items
C8 1 items
C81 1 items
C82 1 items
D12 1 items
D22 1 items
D51 1 items
D62 1 items
D7 1 items
D78 1 items
D86 1 items
D9 1 items
D90 1 items
E02 1 items
E25 1 items
E27 1 items
E49 1 items
E69 1 items
F00 1 items
F02 1 items
F17 1 items
F32 1 items
F37 1 items
F51 1 items
F52 1 items
F54 1 items
F55 1 items
F65 1 items
G30 1 items
G5 1 items
H00 1 items
H1 1 items
H51 1 items
H57 1 items
H62 1 items
H77 1 items
H8 1 items
H81 1 items
H84 1 items
H87 1 items
I1 1 items
I22 1 items
I28 1 items
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J30 1 items
J38 1 items
J44 1 items
J6 1 items
J68 1 items
J7 1 items
K35 1 items
L93 1 items
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M52 1 items
M55 1 items
N00 1 items
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N2 1 items
O2 1 items
O32 1 items
O38 1 items
O5 1 items
P16 1 items
P23 1 items
P24 1 items
P51 1 items
Q02 1 items
Q32 1 items
Q54 1 items
Q58 1 items
R0 1 items
R13 1 items
R4 1 items
Z1 1 items
Z13 1 items
show more (328)
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FILTER BY Keywords
Monetary policy 172 items
Business cycles 95 items
fiscal policy 59 items
Inflation (Finance) 51 items
COVID-19 50 items
International trade 49 items
Forecasting 44 items
Econometric models 42 items
Unemployment 39 items
Incomplete Markets 36 items
inflation 36 items
Ramsey Problem 33 items
human capital 33 items
Interest rates 31 items
Foreign exchange rates 30 items
Prices 27 items
inequality 27 items
Foreign exchange 25 items
Heterogeneous Agents 25 items
liquidity 24 items
Money 23 items
Taxation 23 items
time series analysis 23 items
Regional economics 23 items
Job Search 22 items
Productivity 22 items
Money supply 21 items
Default 20 items
Banks and banking 19 items
Macroeconomics 19 items
Stock market 18 items
Sovereign Debt 18 items
Wages 18 items
misallocation 18 items
Economic development 17 items
Liquidity (Economics) 17 items
discretion 17 items
Financial crises 17 items
Great Recession 16 items
Labor market 16 items
Rational expectations (Economic theory) 16 items
Crises 16 items
Education 16 items
recession 16 items
technology diffusion 16 items
Asset pricing 15 items
Bank supervision 15 items
quantitative easing 15 items
welfare 15 items
Federal Open Market Committee 14 items
Mortgages 14 items
Vector autoregression 14 items
government debt 14 items
Credit 13 items
International finance 13 items
Stock exchanges 13 items
deficit 13 items
institutional design 13 items
political frictions 13 items
time-consistency 13 items
Risk 13 items
emerging markets 13 items
fiscal multipliers 13 items
intellectual property rights 13 items
technology adoption 13 items
Banks and banking, Central 12 items
Consumption (Economics) 12 items
Economic forecasting 12 items
Federal funds rate 12 items
Employment 12 items
Social security 12 items
Trade 12 items
Unemployment Insurance 12 items
credit spreads 12 items
mobility 12 items
Exchange Rate 12 items
Country Risk 11 items
Monetary policy - United States 11 items
Monetary theory 11 items
Capital 10 items
Deposit insurance 10 items
Econometrics 10 items
Economic conditions 10 items
Federal Reserve System 10 items
Investments 10 items
Markov-switching 10 items
convergence 10 items
population dynamics 10 items
Asymmetry 10 items
insurance 10 items
mortality 10 items
Bank failures 9 items
Bankruptcy 9 items
Gambling industry 9 items
Great Britain 9 items
Income distribution 9 items
Mortgage loans 9 items
Recessions 9 items
Stock - Prices 9 items
earnings dynamics 9 items
labor markets 9 items
heterogeneity 9 items
labor supply 9 items
real-time data 9 items
Assets (Accounting) 8 items
Capital Taxation 8 items
Demography 8 items
Income 8 items
Inventories 8 items
Maturity 8 items
Phillips curve 8 items
Price Dispersion 8 items
Technology 8 items
Terrorism 8 items
austerity 8 items
credit constraints 8 items
debt sustainability 8 items
financial development 8 items
fiscal rules 8 items
life expectancy 8 items
pandemic 8 items
prediction 8 items
royalty payments 8 items
war 8 items
Consumption 8 items
Immigration 8 items
financial distress 8 items
retirement 8 items
Bank reserves 7 items
Capital movements 7 items
Equilibrium (Economics) 7 items
Federal Reserve 7 items
Money theory 7 items
Production (Economic theory) 7 items
Sign Restrictions 7 items
Structural Vector Autoregressions 7 items
Subprime mortgage 7 items
Supply and Demand Shocks 7 items
Uniform Pricing 7 items
bank lending 7 items
banking panics 7 items
banks 7 items
capital asset pricing model 7 items
cluster analysis 7 items
contagion 7 items
financial frictions 7 items
research and development 7 items
spillovers 7 items
vacancies 7 items
Development 7 items
Bretton Woods 6 items
Capital Flows 6 items
Community banks 6 items
Costly Information 6 items
Credit unions 6 items
Debt 6 items
Discount 6 items
Dollar, American 6 items
Exports 6 items
Financial institutions 6 items
Financial markets 6 items
Germany 6 items
Gini coefficients 6 items
IPO 6 items
Immiseration 6 items
Inflows 6 items
Latin America 6 items
Multiple Applications 6 items
Open market operations 6 items
Optimal Capital Taxation 6 items
Optimal Fiscal Policy 6 items
Optimal Public Debt 6 items
Outflows 6 items
Petroleum industry and trade 6 items
Rate of return 6 items
Saving and investment 6 items
Tariff 6 items
Tax Smoothing 6 items
Taylor's rule 6 items
VAR 6 items
attrition 6 items
bank closures 6 items
bond markets 6 items
earnings losses 6 items
economic conditions - United States 6 items
economic transition 6 items
employer effects 6 items
endogenous growth 6 items
evergreening 6 items
income inequality 6 items
inference 6 items
innovation 6 items
investment 6 items
job displacement 6 items
reallocation 6 items
recursive contracts 6 items
remote work 6 items
search frictions 6 items
startups 6 items
venture capital 6 items
wage dispersion 6 items
zombie firms 6 items
Economic Geography 6 items
Economic growth 6 items
Gravity model 6 items
Labor Productivity 6 items
Consumer behavior 5 items
Corporations - Finance 5 items
Federal Reserve Act 5 items
Fiscal Policy and Household Behavior 5 items
Foreign aid program 5 items
Housing 5 items
Investments, Foreign 5 items
Malthus 5 items
Markov-perfect equilibrium 5 items
Modified Golden Rule 5 items
Nonlinearity 5 items
North American Free Trade Agreement 5 items
Restructuring 5 items
Solow 5 items
Technology - Economic aspects 5 items
agricultural employment 5 items
capital gains taxation 5 items
classification errors 5 items
cross-border patents 5 items
demographics 5 items
dynamic contracts 5 items
evaluating 5 items
funding rounds 5 items
good deal 5 items
heterogeneous households 5 items
high-frequency data 5 items
higher-order earnings risk 5 items
large-scale asset purchases 5 items
life cycle economies 5 items
local-spillover decomposition 5 items
military spending 5 items
monitoring 5 items
neighborhood segregation 5 items
nominal GDP targeting 5 items
out-of-sample 5 items
persistent private information 5 items
racial disparities 5 items
structural breaks 5 items
structural estimation 5 items
trade liberalization 5 items
trade policy 5 items
work from home 5 items
worker reallocation 5 items
yield curves 5 items
Agency securities 4 items
Austria 4 items
Banking law 4 items
Beveridge curve 4 items
Bonds 4 items
China 4 items
Contracting out 4 items
Economic policy 4 items
Education - Economic aspects 4 items
Emigration and immigration 4 items
Employment (Economic theory) 4 items
European Economic Community 4 items
Exchange Rate Management 4 items
Federal Reserve System - History 4 items
Federal funds market (United States) 4 items
Fiscal Multiplier 4 items
Foreclosure 4 items
Geography 4 items
Government-sponsored enterprises 4 items
Home equity loans 4 items
Housing - Prices 4 items
International Payments 4 items
International economic integration 4 items
Japan 4 items
Large-Scale Asset Purchases (LSAP) 4 items
Mexico 4 items
Monetary Policy Rules 4 items
Monetary policy - Great Britain 4 items
Occupational Barriers 4 items
Optimal Debt 4 items
Panic of 1907 4 items
Payment systems 4 items
Pensions 4 items
Regression analysis 4 items
Seigniorage 4 items
Stocks 4 items
Time Inconsistency 4 items
Time-Varying Risk Premium 4 items
Treasury bond short interest 4 items
Treasury securities 4 items
War - Economic aspects 4 items
artificial intelligence 4 items
backloaded incentives 4 items
bailouts 4 items
college quality 4 items
conditional encompassing 4 items
credit market participation 4 items
earnings risk 4 items
effective lower bound 4 items
eurodollar futures 4 items
extensive and intensive margins 4 items
female labor force participation 4 items
firms dynamics 4 items
gender wage gap 4 items
government transfers 4 items
health production 4 items
health reform 4 items
hours 4 items
household behavior 4 items
inflation forecasts 4 items
interbank networks 4 items
intergenerational mobility 4 items
international shipping 4 items
job mobility 4 items
job transitions 4 items
large language models 4 items
layoffs 4 items
migration 4 items
mismatch 4 items
natural language processing 4 items
nonlinear methods 4 items
on-the-job investment 4 items
overlapping generations 4 items
present bias 4 items
quantiles 4 items
quits 4 items
reserve requirements 4 items
returns to scale 4 items
rules 4 items
selection bias 4 items
shipping demand 4 items
shipping prices 4 items
shipping supply 4 items
social insurance 4 items
subjective expectations 4 items
telecommuting 4 items
total factor productivity (TFP) 4 items
trade agreements 4 items
volatility 4 items
wage posting 4 items
Aldrich plan 3 items
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 3 items
Balance of trade 3 items
Bank mergers 3 items
Banking 3 items
Banks and banking - History 3 items
Capital accumulation 3 items
Capital investments 3 items
Check collection systems 3 items
Cities and towns 3 items
City-size wage premium 3 items
Consumer Spending 3 items
Delinquency 3 items
Demand for money 3 items
Depressions 3 items
Disclosure of information 3 items
Establishment-size wage premium 3 items
European Monetary System (Organization) 3 items
Experience 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 items
Finance 3 items
Free trade 3 items
Friedman, Milton 3 items
Government securities 3 items
Government spending 3 items
Government spending policy 3 items
Great Depression 3 items
Group of Seven countries 3 items
Heterogeneous-agent New Keynesian (HANK) model 3 items
Home ownership 3 items
Housing - Finance 3 items
Immigrants 3 items
Industrial Revolution 3 items
Industrial productivity 3 items
Inflation (Finance) - Great Britain 3 items
Inflation targeting 3 items
Intermediation (Finance) 3 items
International Monetary Fund 3 items
International business enterprises 3 items
Investments, Foreign - United States 3 items
Keynesian economics 3 items
Knowledge spillovers 3 items
Laffer curve 3 items
Lump-sum Transfers 3 items
Macroeconomics - Econometric models 3 items
Manufactures 3 items
Microeconomics 3 items
Mortgage 3 items
New Stage Theory 3 items
News 3 items
Nowcasting 3 items
Optimal Quantity of Debt 3 items
Pareto tails 3 items
Pollution 3 items
Private Information 3 items
Production Externalities 3 items
Progressive Party 3 items
Public Liquidity 3 items
R&D 3 items
Redistribution 3 items
Regional Variation 3 items
Research 3 items
Risk management 3 items
Role of Public Debt 3 items
Skill Biased Technical Change 3 items
Spreads 3 items
Taxes 3 items
Technology Licensing 3 items
Universal Basic Income 3 items
Wage bargaining 3 items
Wealth 3 items
Women - Employment 3 items
aggregation 3 items
airport closing 3 items
anticipatory effects 3 items
asset prices 3 items
bequests 3 items
business cycle accounting 3 items
capital controls 3 items
central bank 3 items
central bank communication 3 items
central banks 3 items
commuting 3 items
credit card debt 3 items
data set comparisons 3 items
dynamic price effects 3 items
essential goods 3 items
event probability forecasting 3 items
excess reserves 3 items
factor models 3 items
federal funds rates 3 items
financial crisis 3 items
financial indicators 3 items
financial repression 3 items
firms 3 items
general equilibrium 3 items
generalized impulse response functions 3 items
generative artificial intelligence (AI) 3 items
globalization 3 items
gravity 3 items
growth 3 items
growth regressions 3 items
housing prices 3 items
show more (495)
show less